This scene itself speaks for itself.  It speaks that these people must have been extremely hungry that they dare defy the law.  The only reason why the people became hungry is they have not eaten.  The only reason why they have not eaten is they cannot get something to eat.  And if it is known to the whole world that their farms and houses were all destroyed to the ground, relief goods had come.  But when they traveled more than 100 kilometers to Davao City to look for food and defy the law on theft or robbery just to get the food, it means there were no relief goods there right where destruction occurred.  Now, it is a fact that there were plenty of relief stuff at the warehouse of the DSWD in Davao City.  When there were no foods in their places and there were plenty at the warehouses far away, who should be blamed that agitators succeeded in agitating, granting without admitting these group leaders were indeed agitators?

This scene speaks for itself who started it all?


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