What kind of mind do they have?

Reason is about to be defeated here by egoistic passion.

They were ordered by AFP Chief of Staff General Emmanuel "Manny Sundalo" Bautista to re-investigate to know if the Honor Committee abused or erred in deciding that 1st Class Cadet Aldrin Jeff P. Cudia was guilty of lying when he said in his explanation that the 4th period class ended at 1500H.

BUT THEY GAVE CUDIA THE DEADLINE UNTIL TODAY TO GIVE NEW EVIDENCE.  For sure, other than the evidence of arrogance that are already there, Cudia cannot give any.


The PMA is in control of the cadet who voted "not guilty" on the question of whether Cudia lied when he said the 4th period class ended at 1500H.  The PMA is in control of Tactical Officer Major Dennis Hindang, the one who started this all.  The PMA is in control of Professor Costales, who signed a certification that Cudia did not lie in stating Costales' class ended at 1500H.

My God. How were these PMAers educated?

They do not know the meaning of "re-investigation" that they want Cudia to submit new evidence when the boy is powerless to compel the evidence to come out?

Re-investigate is to investigate again.  It does not need new evidence to comply with the order of General Bautista, although finding one is better.

Let us be frank if you still love your father and mother.

Where will Cadet Cudia get new evidence when all the evidence are in the control of the adversaries?

They are in control of the Honor Committee member who voted "not guilty" during the first voting on whether Cudia lied when he said the 4th period class ended at 1500H.  They are in control of the video of how the first voting of 8-1 was done.  They are in control of the second voting of 9-0 to unanimously convict Cudia.

Remember. Cudia submitted his appeal to the Honor Committee after the same convicted him as guilty because, according to you, he lied when he said the 4th period class ended at 1500H.  Cudia submitted the certification of his professor, Dr. Costales, certifying that Cudia was not late.

But the Appeal was DEAD ON ARRIVAL, despite that new evidence signed by Dr. Costales.

They are in control of the Professor.

The Honor Committee members professed to be good when the results of their actions and judgment are VERY POOR.

Why arrogate unto yourselves that power to remove Cadet Cudia when you have no law to begin with?

Remember.  The power to dismiss any PMA cadet is in the hands of the President.  It was the President who appointed the cadet.  The power to appoint carries with it the power to dismiss.  And yet many of you dare said that President P-Noy cannot meddle into cadets' affairs?

And yet even the President in whose hands belong the power to dismiss a cadet cannot just dismiss one. There must be a valid reason allowed under the law.  Certainly, the finding of guilt by the Honor Committee is not authorized by law.

Come out of your egoistic passion and embrace reason. 


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