The CONJUGAL DICTATORSHIP of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos
of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos
This is a full copy of the book entitled "The Conjugal Dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos", written by one of the most respected journalists, Primitivo Mijares, who became a lawyer and who once served as a confidante of Ferdinand Marcos.
Mijares spoke what he knew of the Marcos regime when he was invited to testify at the US Congress.
As an advocacy, I am committed to publish for free the book of Mijares and will be doing it in installments.
The first shall be the introductory pages of the book.
Then, I will proceed in a chapter by chapter installments, starting with Chapter 1, of course.
Here is the Introductory Page of the book so written by no less than Primitivo Mijares:
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