Berteni "Toto" Cataluña Causing: Return the $25-m prize and the crown, Floyd!

Berteni "Toto" Cataluña Causing: Return the $25-m prize and the crown, Floyd!: FLOYD, RETURN THE MONEY & CROWN! By BERTENI "TOTO" CATALUÑA CAUSING By the time I write this, probable more than half t...


Anonymous said…
Who really lost in the fight? The boxing fans. Millions to both the pretenders/entertainers.
Why the kiss? The gladiators of the good ole days never did such a thing. Referee Cortez should have intervened properly. What happened to warning fairly where appropriate?
The preliminary fights were a lot better to watch than the Dorkiz vs Gayweather.
Hello Sir/Ma'am Anonymous,

We both have the same feelings. Those who watched the pay-per-view and those who trooped to see the actual fight were duped in a show of cheating.

Berteni "Toto" Cataluña Causing

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